
CyberScout is the gold standard for identity and data defense services—from proactive protection and education, to online monitoring and security tools, to successful resolution. Discover how CyberScout can help attract and retain employees while also helping to protect them from cyber theft and fraud with unlimited 24/7 resolution services and a 99% customer satisfaction rating to help every step of the way to resolving fraud. Available on an employer paid or voluntary basis with 10 or more enrolled.

After you add a CyberScout plan and employees have elected benefits, the enrollment data can be submitted to CyberScout in Ease. The first submission is completed in Ease, and then scheduled reports with changes will be automatically sent on a regular basis.

If you have any questions about CyberScout, contact Justin Oliver at [email protected].

Product Features
  • Identity data defense services
  • Online monitoring and security tools
  • 24/7 resolution services
Integration Features
  • Employees will be able to enroll in CyberScout products via Ease, and then CyberScout can collect that data directly.
How to Activate

To get started, visit the Marketplace in your Ease account. CyberScout will then approve your request. After approval, you can add CyberScout plans via the Plan Library. After enrollment, enable CyberScout in the Marketplace and follow the Marketplace Setup Wizard to begin the integration.
